Thank you for a Great season. We are closed for the season will reopen in February 2022.
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We are hiring

Amazing people

Our success depends on the strength of our team. And are always looking for motivated people to work with us.You can apply online or in person between 1:30 PM and 2:00 PM at the restaurant.

Join the team

Fill out the form

    *Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

    *Indicate position desired
    WaitstaffHostessBusserBuffet runnerDishwasherCookAny

    *Are you currently employed?

    *Are you available to work weekends, and holidays?


    Previous Experience

    Myrtle Beach Discounts
    FREE appetizer? Yes please!
    Sing up today to our E-Club and get exclusive deals, discounts and even a FREE appetizer.
    All fields are required.
    Your Information will never be shared with any third party.